Thursday, October 23, 2008


Goddamn fall temperatures. Its really warm outside, however inside here at the icebox where i live, my toes tremble, red wine is served chilled.. not because we store it in the refridgerator, but because it sits in the sunlight on the circular once white kitchen table. I have just received a message from my mother regarding my icebox situation. This reminds however that this message is not the first. She called me just yesterday afternoon that "i could visit anytime i would like and that at her house she has two pellet stoves, a fireplace and an oven." This information may be valuable to a native from New Zealand that is searching for warmth in a cold climate. Considering i lived in my parents house with the two pellet stoves, fireplace and oven this information is simply obsolete and goes with with my mother's simply crazy demeanor which she constantly crowds me with. Enough of this rambling junk.

Most people when asked would say that the top floors of their homes are warmer. This is assuming that they have understood the basic concept that heat rises. In a normal home this statement would be true and would be a positive aspect to my icebox situation. There is one small problem. Here are Richard street there is no heat to begin with. We do not cook anything. maybe the microwave gets lucky once or twice a month because one of our drunken minds found a soup at the convienence store. We do not pan fry. We do not Bake. We do not make hot chocolate. Any heat generated from these activities may contribute to form a basis for what normal middleclass american households would consider heat. So back to my point. Sure heat rises. but there is not heat here in the first place to rise. So that concept is obsolete and taken in stride.

Cami our sweet angel devil Boxer mix who could possibly be more intelligent than half of the people i have met along the way is actually planned ahead. She has a premeditated winter coat growing as the pumpkins come into harvest and halloween approaches. Sophi her friend that visits is not so lucky. She comes from a wealthy background. Her mother is a financial operations analysist at Lehman Brothers.. which yes did go bankrupt but do not fret my sweet. Her mother was an avid bounty hunter and found a new smaller firm to support her. Sophi also benefits from generous grandparents and a patrol officer great grandfather referred to as Hank who keeps her aware of the crimes that happen in America which are overlooked by the general public. Sophi simply shivers at Richard street because she was raised in the warm diverse community of Miami. Sure she can speak some broken spanish but she cannot build an Iglo sufficent for the winter.

In the end there is no resolution to my icebox issue. Wine will continue to chill. if i ever went grocery shopping i would neeed not worry about putting away the milk right away because it may spoil. I actually might sell our refridgerator on the black market. People would pay a fortune for something so grand. Come to think of it, our refridgerator actually has a mind of its own, resembling dr. freeze. It turns everything.. you name it from grapes, to milk, to yogurt, to turkey into delicate layers of sheet like ice.. much like ice you would discover blanketing a large puddle in a parking lot after a harsh winter evening. Get your bids ready this ones a dousy.

For a final note. Please dont bother consulting Simply give me a call or check my blog. I dont have to make the trip outside to see if there was a frost during the night, i efficently stroll into my living room (in ugg boots, sweatpants with leggings underneath, a long sleeve shirt followed by a sweatshirt, followed by a fur winter jacket) and survery the coffee table. I also hold the ability to breathe and see my breath which is rare talent i have discovered much to quickly.

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